Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ethics at Work place!!!!!!

Morning I was reading Times of India news paper and read a nice article by Priya C Nair.In the article she has discussed about the ethics an employee should follow.Continuing the discussion, she also discussed on the bad manners of employees Like attending too many personal calls in the middle of the work,Gossip,Dress Code,Office Facilities,Falsifying information,etc. As an HR professional, I truely believe in basic ethics a human being should have irrespective of a professional or a layman.

We can see in the organisations many a times, that employees use office phone for personal calls without any hesitation.Any employee should understand that the office facilities are given for employees to ease their work and facilitate the extra benefits to make them feel better at work place, but not to misuse the facilities.

In some cases,employees neglect or over look company policies and every day they enter office lately and they stretch their hours in the evening.But what is the necessity of coming late and stretching hours?For one or two employees the whole office lights,A/C,power and all other facilities will be on.This may cause continues wastage of the energy as well as financial loss to the company.So policies are made to facilitate employees as well as to lay down some discipline in the work place and employees should respect that.

We can also see many employees involve in falsifying documents,unhealthy gossips,Politics,etc.Ethics and moral responsibilities are the controlling features which are within an human being.Which builds a strong,healthy and a nice human being from within without any external force.It also creates responsible citizen for country,a strong professional with a beautiful mind and also an able employee for an organisation.